HTML Colors IPA 1.4

HTML Colors
If you have any suggestions for HTML Colors, please email me.

HTML Colors allows you to easily select and preview colors for use in a web page. This program is useful for web developers who want to experiment with colors for their web sites.

- Select Text or Background
- Use the sliders to change the color values for Red, Green, and Blue
- Use the "Sample Text" area to see how your colors work together
- Use the "Random" button (or the "I feel lucky link" on the main page) to get a random set of foreground/background colors

HTML color codes (in the #RRGGBB) format are displayed for the Text and Background colors you choose.

Future versions will include:
- Ability to save color sets for later use
- Ability to email color sets to other users
- Ability to choose between RGB sliders or RBB "pickers"

*** Thank you for the excellent suggestions... Keep them coming! I have some great updates planned based on user feedback.
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REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 , iPod touch ,iPod Touch 2G, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G and iPad.

Download here:

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